As you may be aware, the current situation regarding the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) across the UK and world-wide is changing daily and is being monitored constantly through the government and WHO websites, news channels and other media platforms. This is also being monitored by Nant Ltd Senior Management Team daily.
Supporting clients is our top priority, and as such, risk assessments and processes are in place to ensure that Nant Ltd is taking reasonable precautions to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of our team members, our clients and service users.
Business Continuity
Our Business Continuity procedures have been reviewed to ensure that our systems and applications will continue to be accessible, as normal, should it become necessary that the Nant Ltd office to close as a result of the need for self-isolation or quarantine.
At present, there are no plans to cancel work schedules, in line with the current Public Health England advice. Opportunities are currently available for the use of our L8 Remote temperature units.
Please rest assured, all employees have been fully risk assessed to ensure they have not travelled to any of the high-risk areas identified, had any contact with people in these areas, or display any symptoms of the virus. Furthermore, communications are continually ongoing with our employees to provide updates, internal processes, self-hygiene requirements and specific client requests. We are continually updating this as per government advice.
Nant Ltd is committed to taking measures to protect both our team members, our clients and service users, and will continue to provide updates, as and when there is anything more to share.